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Court of the Dead

Apr 1, 2016

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Skullhead Blanks by Huck Gee at ToyConUK 2016

With ToyConUK 2016 right around the corner, artists are making final preparations for the trip across the pond. Huck Gee is making the trip back to his motherland and he is bringing along some colorful Skullhead Blanks as ToyConUK exclusives. Orange, Blue and Pink are the color choices for ToyConUK, with Orange and Pink being made available at the actual convention. The Blue Skullhead Blank will only be available at the Toy Chronicle hosted ToyConUK 2016 After party, thus the blue hue. In addition to the colorful resin to add to dusty shelves, Huck will also be bringing a batch of new Skullhead Punk T-Shirts. Hand Colored prints, watches, banners, stickers and a few customs will also be available at ToyConUK. For those attending the convention, be sure to arrive early as many of the items Huck will be bringing will most likely sell out.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book