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Court of the Dead

Apr 10, 2015

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Bearded TTC Cavey from HeyCavey x The Toy Chronicle for ToyConUK 2015

Teased a few months ago, The Toy Chronicle has teamed up with Holly Astral, of HeyCavey, to create a ToyConUK 2015 exclusive Cavey. The Bearded TTC Cavey is going to be priced at £15 and will be limited to just 20 pieces. This is most likely, the very last Cavey that will be available, unless Holly finds some free time to produce a small run in the future, so a lot of people will be after this little blue Cavey. Each Bearded TTC Cavey will come bagged with a header card and comes signed and numbered by Holly. For those who plan on attending ToyConUK 2015, be sure to find The Toy Chronicle booth and pick up a Bearded TTC Cavey.
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book