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Court of the Dead

May 3, 2016

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King POKKA & the PAKKA's - Wood Toy Series x Pepe Hiller

"The tribe of the PAKKA's is a mysterious one, there are rumors that already a small group of them can hunt down a huge buffalo by themselves. They usually live in small caves in the mountainous wilderness and hunt in the plains. Their King POKKA needs to lead them heavy-handed while learning them how to behave and to camouflage in these lands. This seems especially important as otherwise they would not stop to brawl and scuffle all day long. Well and as we all know, it’s almost impossible to hunt buffalos while making too much noise!”

The 6 inch PAKKA's are crafted out of finest smoked oak wood. For hunting each one holds a beech spear with a shiny brass spearhead fixed with a natural leather ribbon. The arms are articulated and each PAKKA has a small brass tooth. The eyes are made out of galvanized steel.

The huge King POKKA is 12 inch tall & weighs a hefty 5 pounds!! He features two additional rows of maple teeth, one massive brass eyetooth and his horns are decorated by multiple solid brass jewelry. These figures have a natural semi gloss bees wax finish. Each piece is signed and numbered by the artist (iron branded/embossed).

This will be on sale soon at the Pepe Hiller online store.
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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BB-8 Star Wars Premium Format(TM) Figure
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book