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Court of the Dead

Apr 14, 2015

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Get off my 1:6-scale lawn! Old Iron Man 12-inch articulated figure by Headplay

Another piece by Headplay, looks to be same price as the Popeye figures they put out a few months ago. I love how they take pics on their desks. The lighter is a nice touch- I suppose for scale? Wish they'd keep their ashtray out of the shots... No white background, no info in the emails. Just an email with 12 pictures is all I get. Here are a few of the pics. Gotta love the toy industry...

This piece is highly articulated, 12 inches tall, with Old Man Cane and light up eyes, Arc Reactor chest and light up cane. I would guess I'd have to sell these for $300 shipped like the Popeyes. As always, hit me up using the contact form to the right, or leave a comment, if you're interested. Basically with Headplay items I just order the qty that I need to satisfy your requests.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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BB-8 Star Wars Premium Format(TM) Figure
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book