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Court of the Dead

May 4, 2016

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Adventures in Design Podcast - Episode 377 - The Collection with Huck Gee - Part 5: Ferg of Playge

The Collection is back and this time Huck Gee and Mark Brickey bring you a man who was part of the new school even during the heyday of the old school. Ferg spearheaded the DIY designer toy game and has always taken matters into his own hands from his very first toy all the way to present day where he created Playge and developed the multiple toy lines within it. Once the bubble popped, many designers fell to the wayside while Ferg saw an uptick in his bottom line since his production and distribution means were always something he controlled. Ferg's story is one of self reliance, unbridled creativity and doing what you love on your own terms.

Talking Points:
  • Huck returns from his homeland and ToyCon UK energized and ready to go.
  • The popularity around social media and how it ties into your creativity and ego.
  • How The Collection is bringing down the curtain on the toy industry, where its going and who will be players in it.
  • The similarities between all creative markets and learning from the successes and failures of each.
  • TSA and the 80lb. duffel bag and Mark's Blood Sugar Vest.
  • The evolution of the blank and its variations.
  • Strategizing on who you want to work with in your industry.
  • The return to Gold Life.
  • Finding a scale where characters remain true to size.
  • Determining price points based off exposure and production in America.
  • The Huck Gee Vannen Watch Giveaway
  • Doing the new school model back in the old school days and how to avoid losing control of your product.
  • Starting with the sqube.
  • Moving away form cutesy designer toys.
  • Ferg's entry point into the world of toys.
  • Making clothes for very small things.
  • Making a living selling direct to consumers.
  • Unrealistic standards for selling out a product.
  • Readjusting your ego and predicting the end of hype.
  • Assembly as a Build A Bear for Squadt.
  • Inventing the Third Eye and using visual tricks that engage your audience.
  • Drawing inspiration from the illustration techniques of the skateboard industry.
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book