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Court of the Dead

May 3, 2016

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Rebel Troopers by Wild Westside

Back in 2014, Arik Ehle of Wild Westside, participated in "Project Legion", a group art show put on by Disney and Lucas Films. Featuring customized 6" Storm Trooper helmets, Arik's creation ended up being posted recently by the official Star Wars Instagram page and received a lot of great feedback. With all of the great responses, Arik decided to create a super limited run of Rebel Troopers, using almost Full Size Stormtrooper helmets and New Era Hats. Releasing on May 4th, each Rebel Trooper sculpture is priced at $225 plus shipping, with only four of the five pieces being made available. The fifth piece, the Silver and Black variant is going to be a  part of a Sol Republic Headphones giveaway, thus featuring some Sol Republic Headphones. No word on a time for release, but follow Arik on social media as Arik will be sure to have a release announcement.

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