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Court of the Dead

Sep 28, 2016

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Resin is King Series 3 Full Reveal - Release at NYCC Booth 309

As we prep this series for the big debut, we thought we'd FINALLY get you the full-on reveal of the 10 pieces in this blind box series!

Many of the artists cast their pieces in different colors, and finished with different paint jobs, so the pieces you see above may actually turn up in different color variants! Jacob JAMS and Magitarius, for example, each submitted 10 unique one of a kind pieces. NEMO's dogs are all similar but uniquely painted. Matt (Angry Artist) made pieces in 2 main colors (bronze and white) with a one-off clear chase figure with an LED inside! Scott (FOD) has a main colorway (pictured) and 2 other chase colors. Penny (Taylored Curiosities) has a main color (pictured) and a silver chase. Dead Hand Toys has 3 color variants, with the one pictured the most common and the other 2 as chases.

To recap this series: it contains 100 blind boxes. All pieces fit into 3" tall boxes. We have 10 artists who each submitted 10 pieces. Price of a blind box is $30. Each BB comes with a resin figure, an insert card so you can figure out what piece you got, and a Resin Is King sticker. Randomly placed will be a number of Golden Tickets which will get you FREE stuff like resin figures from various artists in the series, discounts in our shops, etc.

The big release of Resin Is King Series 3 will be at the opening of NYCC on October 6 at the Javits Center in NYC. Come to Booth 309 in the center of the Block to say hello and pick up your BBs. We will have a few opened BBs on hand so customers can buy a BB and swap for one of the opened pieces we have in our case. Some of the artists in the series will be on hand or nearby.

We are EXTREMELY proud of this superb series. All the artists brought their A games and designed and cast gorgeous miniature sculptures. We are proud to support and associate with all the resin artists involved! Looking forward to seeing everyone once again at NYCC.
- Benny & Brian

Angry Artist 2 main color variants
close-up of Rich Page's piece
The Magitarius group of OOAK Garamels
Penny's main lavendar color and the silver chase
10 different Baby Nurikabes by Jacob JAMS
The full set of 10 Forces of Dorkness chalices
The full set of 10 Dead Hand Toys pieces
NEMO's Danger Dog resin - all rednoses, all slightly different coloration.
Halcon the Falcon by Argonaut Resins

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book