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Court of the Dead

Sep 27, 2016

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Introducing Frankpool by Concrete Jungle Studio - The Merc with a Muzzle - NYCC Booth 309

We are very proud to announce that the Frankpool figures by Steven Cartoccio (Concrete Jungle Studio) will make their biog debut at our NYCC Booth 309! These are highly detailed 9" resin figures designed and produced by Steven, who will also be on hand during the show at Booth 309. (Word is, Steven will be bringing some other awesome items - prototypes - that you won't want to miss!) The Concrete Jungle is an animated series featuring Frankpool and all the animals and humans around him in NYC.

The Red Frankpool is the standard color, with only 100 produced. We will have a limited number available at Booth 309 for $125 each. Red Frankpools will ALSO be available simultaneously online on the website during the show, in case you can't make it to NY.

The Grey NYCC Exclusive version of Frankpool is limited to 10 pieces only, and is priced at $150. You MUST attend NYCC to get one of the Grey NYCC Exclusives.

Both Frankpool colors come with 2 alternate heads which show off their canine good looks. You know this item is RIGHT up our alley! Big props to Steven for gracing our booth with his awesome indy collectibles!

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book