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Court of the Dead

Sep 28, 2016

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Adopt a SnodBOT kickstarter by Craig Snodgrass

The first SnodBOT - Duppy - was illustrated and designed by Craig Snodgrass. Craig Snodgrass is an artist who draws uncannily human robots. Snodgrass' robot illustrations have a distinct style and expression that make a connection to people from all walks of life.

Snodgrass has been drawing these robots (SnodBOTS) for years, but now it is time to take these characters beyond the page and into the 3rd dimension. 

Your contributions will primarily go towards getting the toy manufactured. If they exceed their initial goal some funds may go towards increasing the production run. Funding will also go towards rewards, marketing costs, packaging and shipping costs.

Ideally the toys will be ready for shipment by December 2016 or January 2017. Having limited quantities of these will make them highly collectable among toy and art collectors alike. Think of these as three dimensional limited edition prints.

Join the Kickstarter to secure your SnotBOT and watch the video here.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book