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Court of the Dead

Oct 1, 2016

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Clutter Magazine NYCC 2016 Exclusive: Black & Gold Dissected by Luke Chueh

With NYCC 2016 approaching fast, a lot of exclusives are being released and there are going to be a ton of great exclusives available. Here's one of them from Clutter Magazine, Booth #603.

Luke Chueh and Clutter have teamed up to bring to you this sleek new colorway of Luke Chueh's Dissected Bear Head!

Proving that Luke's iconic anthropomorphic bear character is more human than we thought, this vinyl sculpture measures 6" × 6" × 5½". With a semi-gloss black exterior, a matte black eye, and bones of gold, this NYCC exclusive edition be the new highlight of your collection. Not only that, it even comes with a signature, convention exclusive, red blood pool!
Limited to 50 pieces and priced at just $100 a piece, these Clutter Exclusive Black and Gold Dissected Bear Heads will be available at Clutter Magazine's New York Comic Con Booth #603, October 6th-9th, 2016 at the Javits Center in NYC.
As an extra bonus, Luke Chueh will be making a special signing appearance at the booth!
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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book