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Court of the Dead

Oct 23, 2014

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Mini Panda King Prototypes from Aaron "Angry Woebots" Martin

3D Printers are getting more affordable and attainable as more companies try to produce a newer and user friendly version. Between MakerBots, FlashForge and PrintrBot to name a few, 3D printers are helping people prototype and make stuff all around the world. So, when one of the best resin production people, Silent Stage Gallery, teased that they had purchased a 3D printer, the stage was set for some future awesome. First up, of what will probably be many, is Angry Woebots' Mini Panda King 2 prototypes. Aaron "Angry Woebots" Martin teased some pictures recently of a few Mini Panda King 2 prototypes. The prototype minis are 3D printed and depending on cost efficiency, for production may either be all be 3D printed or molded and cast in resin. No word on if or when these mini bad boys will become available, but with Designer Con 2014 around the corner, it's highly likely that Woes will be packing the mini heat. This is not the first time 3D printers have allowed artists to shrink down a design and go to print, MAD Toy Design did this in the past when he released his 3D Printed Micro MADLs. All of the Micro MADLs were 3D printed and allowed MAD to produce whatever color he wanted, albeit within the parameters of available filament color. Other artists are also using 3D printing to prototype and build pieces that are eventually molded and cast in resin for production. Now, 3D printing is not for everyone, but still can be a wonderful tool for anyone.
Considering the limited printing envelope, only time will tell how 3D Printing will help Silent Stage and Angry Woebots prototype in the future. One thing is certain, this can definitely be a game changer. What are collectors hoping to see in the future from Woes and Silent Stage? Comment on this post and let everyone know.
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book