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Court of the Dead

Oct 21, 2014

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MAD Toy Store Royal Sale

Kansas City not only produces some top notch sports teams, the city also is the home to a bunch of awesome artists. In 1985, the Kansas City Royals beat the St. Louis Cardinals 4 games to 3. Definitely a great series. Fast forward 29 years, not only did the Kansas City Royals finally make it to the playoffs after a 29 year drought, they are playing for all the marbles in the 2014 World Series. Now back to artists. KC based artist MAD is having a "Royal Sale!" to commemorate the Royals playing in the 2014 World Series. For as long as the 2014 World Series lasts, customers can use the promo code "RoyalKC" to receive 29% off his/her order. With KC on a nice undefeated Playoff run, having won every 2014 playoff game up to this point, MAD's sale will last at least until Saturday, October 25th. This is a perfect opportunity to add one or more pieces from MAD. Go Royals!

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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BB-8 Star Wars Premium Format(TM) Figure
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book