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Court of the Dead

Oct 22, 2014

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Dopey - Custom Jammie by Don P

One of Don P's, aka Patrick Lippe, most recent pieces is a custom Lil' Jammie titled "Dopey". Using one of Fuller Designs' Lil' Jammie figures, Don P created a re-sculpted head, while keeping the rest of the initial figure intact. Complete with dreadlocks and a type of smoking piece, the added paint and details were not enough for Don P. Don P's solution was to ask his wife to create a knitted cap for the custom, which does complete the overall look of this custom Lil' Jammie figure. Since this piece seems to be a commissioned one, it is not for sale. However, anyone interested in his/her own commissioned Don P custom should contact him for more info.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book