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Court of the Dead

Dec 11, 2012

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HUG: BLAMO's 4th Annual Custom Show at Toy Art Gallery

Opening Saturday, December 15th, Toy Art Gallery is hosting the BLAMO TOYS 4th Annual Custom Show, featuring the HUG character! With over 60 artists customizing the latest addition to BLAMO's collection of characters, the lovable HUG character, the show will be sure to have many different artist interpretations. This should should be an awesome show, be sure to RSVP here.

Please join us, the Blamo Toys gang, and many of the featured artists on Saturday, December 15th from 7-10pm at Toy Art Gallery’s showroom located at 7571 Melrose Ave. Hollywood CA 90046.

Custom 2" HUG by TASKONE

The show is going to run until December 30th. Check out the show site to see the amazing list of artists participating in this event. Collectors who are not able to attend the show should anticipate TAG putting up pieces not sold at the opening, on TAGs online store. Most of the shows at TAG tend to get packed, so arrive early and bring a camera, participating local artists are sure to attend.

- Mark-Anthony
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book