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Court of the Dead

Dec 15, 2012

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Bad Apple Rotofugi Exclusive by GOIN x Mighty Jaxx - Preorders Open 12/17!

Rotofugi has announced a preorder for an exclusive run of just 50 Bad Apples, the gorgeous graffiti work by French artist GOIN which was turned into an 8" resin figure with the help of Mighty Jaxx of Singapore.

Cast in a sick bright green with a black grenade, it's set to retail for $110. It's important to note here that what you see above is really close to the final product, but still a mockup. The bandanas on the final copies will have a debossed pattern like this:

They go live in the Rotofugi store on Monday, December 17th at 11AM Central Time. The first preorder edition of 300 sold out in just a few days, and my hunch is that this much smaller run will be gone in a flash, so be there!

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book