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Court of the Dead

Dec 13, 2012

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Critters and Treegar Double Drop Tomorrow from BigManToys

BigManToys is all set for a double drop of kick ass, yet very affordable, resin on Friday 12/14 at 6PM EST. For just $13 each you can buy one of their Critters-inspired minis or a Treegar Sapling from their online store.

This is wave 3 of the Critters, which you may notice look suspiciously like the deranged alien flesh munchers from a certain wonderful 80's B-movie. They stand just 1.5 inches, but are packed with detail by the exceptionally well-programmed sculpting unit known as Zectron. There are 35 individual pieces in this wave, no two the same, and you can check out a sneak peak of every one in the store right now.

The Treegar Saplings will be available in at least 3 colors, the flesh and neon orange shown here, plus neon pink and a possible mysterious fourth color. You may recognize this guy as well, because a 5.5" inch version was recently cast in resin and that did so well they decided to scale him down for a mini figure release. In my opinion, this one is just right!

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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book