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Court of the Dead

Dec 9, 2012

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Loam by Loz Hausofboz

What's that little bump, rustling around in the leaves?

It's probably just Loam.

He's very busy at this time of year, there's a lot to get done. He has berries to ripen, leaves to pull down, and hedgehogs to jostle.

He spends most of the year, snoring in a hollow log, waiting for the first day of autumn to come. Then it's his time to shine, filling your garden with fallen leaves, and glazing the mornings with a light frosting, and once he's suitably irritated everyone that way, he's off into the heart of the forest to jab at sleeping hedgehogs with twigs, shine up all the mushroom caps, and whip up the winds into a frenzy.

Every time a leaf lands in your garden, or slaps you in the face in the street, you know it's his way of saying a special Hello.

Loam is a 3" custom Kidrobot Dunny, sculpted on and painted by hand, and finished with a real cubic zirconia stone, and varnishes for UV protection.

He'll be available to buy at 8:00pm GMT (DST+1) on Thursday 13th December at
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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book