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Court of the Dead

Dec 12, 2012

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Custom PAW! and Androids by Fuller

James Fuller, of Fuller Designs, has been kind of quiet as of late. However, he always seems to be working on something. Whether it's completing customs pieces for his own mini Series or a custom commissioned wedding topper, Fuller keeps a steady flow of work. I've always been a fan of Fuller's work and his latest commission work is outstanding. I am definitely digging the White Rabbit custom, which uses Coarse's PAW from the False Friends release. From Fuller's description of the piece, it's just half of a set which is going to also include a Mad Hatter, which I imagine is going to be made off of the NOOP figure. I'm looking forward to what else Fuller has in store for the custom toy world.

The White Rabbit Custom False Friends PAW by Fuller
Diablo III Custom Android by Fuller
Ghost in a Shell Custom Android by Fuller
If you want to get on Fullers long list of Commissions, make sure to hit up his website and send him an email. You won't be disappointed.
Follow Fuller Designs here:

- Mark-Anthony
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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