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Court of the Dead

Aug 13, 2014

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Alien Chestburster Custom Munny by Jon-Paul Kaiser

For those who've watched Alien (1979), one of the most iconic scenes is the Chestburster (or Chestbuster) scene, when the implanted alien in Kane, played by John Hurt, decides to make an appearance during dinner. The dramatic scene of the alien bursting through Kane's chest is one that's been recreated and even re-imagined over the years. Jon-Paul Kaiser recreated the iconic scene using a 5 inch mini Munny for Kane and what looks to be the ear of a Dunny for the Chestburster. Jon-Paul states: "I wanted to capture that moment when everything is in a state of flux; Kane is on the cusp of death, he alien is at last born but not yet fled and the crew have yet to face it once it grows...". The Munny arms have been repositioned to present Kane splayed out on the table, with the Alien bursting out of the chest(using what looks to be like a Dunny ear). Red "blood" is expertly painted to provide some great contrast to the black and white of the figure and table. Another great custom by Jon-Paul Kaiser
Alien Chestburster Custom Munny by Jon-Paul Kaiser, Photo by Justin Allfree

Alien Chestburster Custom Munny by Jon-Paul Kaiser, Photo by Justin Allfree
Alien Chestburster Custom Munny by Jon-Paul Kaiser, Photo by Justin Allfree
Alien Chestburster Custom Munny by Jon-Paul Kaiser, Photo by Justin Allfree
For those who are interested, Jon-Paul Kaiser may still have his commission list open and waiting. Contact Jon-Paul Kaiser through his website for more info.
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book