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Court of the Dead

Dec 21, 2017

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coarse States of Matter – floating towards you January 4


Melt yourself away

I dissolved into a dream.
It cured me and it cursed me.
I thought this day would never last, but now it is my life.

This unique vinyl art sculpture comes in the impressive height of 15'' [38 cm] and will be available in two editions. Trance [limited to 345 pieces] finds noop in summer tones above water and subaquatic teals underneath, enjoying a popsicle on a placid day. Cosmos [limited to 234 pieces] is drenched in nightmarish blacks and blues as noop meets nism for the very first time. Both editions capture a different moment in the story of noop finding stillness in a world where change is never-ending.

States of Matter seems to balance impossibly, as if noop is actually floating in his swim ring. A translucent blue water line with smooth ripples separates the world of solids from the world of liquids so that we can witness the same matter enter and depart his body in different states. noop's effortless sense of grace has a soothing effect even as the clam's menacing tongue tastes his foot and the squid's tentacles wrap tighter around him.

Both editions of States of Matter come with noop, his swim ring, the translucent blue water disc casting a magic shadow, and a carnivorous clam lurking beneath. Trance comes with a swim-capped noop, one popsicle and matching gradient bubbles. Cosmos comes with one tentacled nism and an inky liquid cloud. Both editions are securely packed inside a color-printed gift box and embedded in black sponge.

Watch your fears evaporate, and take a deep breath in.


Floating soon

States of Matter – Trance
US$ 278
Limited to 345 pieces

States of Matter – Cosmos
US$ 278
Limited to 234 pieces
States of Matter will go on sale January 4, 2018 at the following times exclusively at

07:59 am Los Angeles
10:59 am New York
04:59 pm Berlin
11:59 pm Hong Kong

Each set contains one Family & Friends application card. Collect three of these cards to have access to pre-booking of all releases, and exclusive benefit for Family & Friends members.

Visit online for more details and engage with us on Facebook and Instagram or watch the States of Matter in motion on Vimeo.
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book