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Court of the Dead

Jun 12, 2018


ScaryGirl Blister the Octopus 8" Art Figure by Nathan Jurevicius Now Available Exclusively at

Kidrobot has teamed up with Canada based Australian artist Nathan Jureviciusfor a exclusive limited edition Alternate Universe Mode" color way of the ScaryGirl Blister the Octopus 8" Art Figure. 

The last of his species, Blister is a brilliant giant octopus with a gift for shapeshifting and the unique ability to regenerate his body instantly. He lives along a secluded coastline at the base of a treehouse created from found objects and driftwood. Blister is Scarygirl's guardian and share the same DNA. Nathan describes this special colorway as magic storm echoing between golden cymbals while chewing gum. 

This figure is a limited edition of 50 pieces worldwide. Get this super intelligent ocean/land dwelling octopus figure now at before the scientists and high-end chefs get their hands on him.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book