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Court of the Dead

May 16, 2016

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Brick Dictator: 1941 Lego World War 2 - Battle of Brody

The cinematic shots, special effects, and music really push this into overdrive.
More and more fan made films are getting made, from Star Wars to Harry Potter and everything in between.

If you are a Lego or just a brick building fan like I am, then you can probably appreciate the very intense and immaculately well created fan film below.

June 23, 1941...

A fierce tank battle erupted between the 1st Panzer Group III Army Corps and XLVIII motorized Army Corps and five corps of the Russian 5th and 6th Army near the town of Brody.

The Soviets would end up losing on a decisive scale having been outmaneuvered, and then systematically cut apart by the surgical strikes of the Luftwaffe. It still is considered one of the largest tank engagements of WW2.
Some people might be against using toys to represent something like this, but I think it's actually brilliant.
Some of the parts were created on 3D printers, which are beginning to change the playing field in ways that no one could have seen just a few years ago. (In some instances especially in the toy industry, it can also be a bad thing, but that's a post for another time.)

So kick back, enjoy the video below, and then maybe check out the YouTube channel for Brick Dictator.

Until next time, I'm Mario, the Artisan Rogue

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book