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Court of the Dead

Jul 17, 2018

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BAIT x Huck Gee x Robotech - SDCC BOOTH #5645

Well, one of Huck Gee's favorite animations is Robotech, which has influenced a lot of Huck's work. Who doesn't like mechs!? With the launch of Superplastic, it seemed that Huck would only be releasing anything related to Superplastic property. But, surprise, surprise, Huck Gee and Bait come out of left field. This year, Bait is releasing a Bait x Huck Gee x Robotech collaboration that is amazing. Previously seen on a SDCC Blog, with little info other than price, Huck and Bait has finally come out with more details. This is being called Huck's "final solo project", where he re-imagined the Armor Cyclone, while also re-defining some details of the canon. Available in 2 separate editions, this 8 inch figure is super articulated and is loaded with detail. The main regular colorway will be available at all 9 BAIT stores, most likely starting July 18th. The rare Bronze Alternate colorway is going to be an exclusive to Bait's SDCC Booth, #5645. Priced at $125 a piece and no word on edition size for either colorway, the SDCC exclusive Bronze Alternate will likely sell out during SDCC. Hit up those helpers now.

From Huck Gee's Newsletter release:

BAIT x Huck Gee x Robotech

For me, this was the collaboration of a lifetime. Robotech was THE defining animated series of my youth. At the time, it was an imagined world far beyond anything I had ever seen. Mech designs, characters and stories that heavily influenced my pre-teen mind. Still to this day, I hold the Cyclone as one of my favorite mech designs ever. And while I've dipped my toes into Robotech for inspiration in the past, this is an officially licensed endeavor. Not only a collaboration but, for the eagle eyed, attention detailed fan, I may have also re-defined some Cyclone canon. :) What can I say, I like to break things.
Thank you & much love,


BAIT x Huck Gee x Robotech :: Releasing at San Diego Comic Con 2018
BAIT and legendary toy designer Huck Gee come together for Huck’s final solo project and reimagined the iconic Armor Cyclone with Rick Hunter of the Robotech Macross saga. 
The Rare Bronze Alternate is Exclusively sold at the BAIT San Diego Comic-Con Booth #5645. The Regular Colorway will be available st all 9 BAIT stores.  These 8 inch super articulated Figures are priced at $125.
 - Mark-Anthony
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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