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Court of the Dead

Mar 2, 2013

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Shadoe Delgado's custom Swanicorn and Mega Munny Sale

There's a lot happening in Shadoe Delgado's Fine Art sculpture world! His custom Swanicorn for Daniel Fleres' group show "The Gathering" is an outstanding contribution to the exhibition. Shadoe contributes alongside some of the scene's brightest stars, including (but not limited to) 64Colors, Scribe, DrilOne, Jason Limon, J*Ryu and many more fantastically skillful artists. Quite an accomplishment for an artist with about a year on designer vinyl & resin platforms behind him! 
Shadoe's piece, titled "The 3 Eyed 3 Horned Flying Shadow Swanicorn (aka The Hoarder)", we can see is employing Shadoe's newly designed peg system for its wings. As well as unique use of Shadoe's texturing techniques in the body and mask.
Exhibition opens Saturday March 9th at Dragatomi, but until then you can follow the show updates on their Facebook Event. This one of a kind Swanicorn will be available to purchase through Dragatomi.

Mega Munny Shadoelings?

Recently vinyl community member Jordan aka "Dopevinyl" has been working to put together a Urban Vinyl Artist documentary- and he's trying to get it Kickstarted here. This documentary film is in the home stretch, with just about 2500$ left to raise to make the film happen, and Shadoe has been upping his offerings to support it.
Shadoe is offering custom Mega Munny, now only 800$(normally 1000$+) through the Kickstarter Here. With exponentially more vinyl canvas space to work on, we can only imagine how much more detail, texture, antler- and don't forget, dingaling action, Shadoe would get up to on such a huge platform. Pull the trigger. DO IT! :)

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book