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Court of the Dead

Feb 28, 2013

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Super Series Sundays: Yolo Mesh by Kyle Kirwan drops March 3

 Our third installment in our weekly Super Series Sundays drops is the Yolo Mesh figure by Kyle Kirwan.

Yolo Mesh is the first mate on the Airship Kellen. He's cranky, strict, sarcastic, and not much fun. But he gets it done, and that's what you want in an airshipman. He's a Nebin from the Island of Bentree in the Broken Ocean, but grew up in Canarthe and has been sailing since he could stand on two feet.

Yolo Mesh is a one-piece resin figure sculpted, cast and painted by Kyle Kirwan, who's basically our neighbor in Bushwick, Bklyn. Standing 5.5 inches tall and produced in a highly limited run of 9 pieces, Tenacious Toys has 5 Yolo Mesh figures to sell at $50 each.

To purchase Yolo Mesh, visit the Super Series Sundays page this Sunday March 3rd at 5PM EST.
Click the link below to visit the Super Series Sundays page on Tenacious Toys:

Upcoming releases in the Super Series Sundays schedule will be Task One and Evilos.

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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book