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Court of the Dead

Feb 28, 2013

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Introducing Compulsion Magazine for the iPad

Compulsion Magazine: The Art of Collecting Toys

We'd like to introduce you to our latest project: Compulsion Magazine! In order to spread the toy collecting love far and wide, we began developing a digital magazine about toy collecting late last year. Compulsion Magazine is currently available on the iPad (although we plan on expanding to the Kindle for Issue #2) by clicking here and going to iTunes. Follow the link and get a full table of contents for the issue.

Big black boxes are for videos, which are embedded into the page! Hours of viewing entertainment!

Compulsion's first issue was compiled with the help of many people in the toy industry: artists, bloggers, writers, manufacturer representatives, photographers and internet TV shows all provided content. We're even running a giveaway inside the issue for one of Furry Feline Creative's NYCC plushes!

For Issue #2 we will be tapping some of the same resources by including TV shows and videos about toys, articles, show coverage and interviews. But we used the recent Toy Fair in NYC as an opportunity to get some bigger and more mainstream toy manufacturers involved:

Speaking of Toy Fair: recently we rolled out a quickie free Special Issue that gives you an inside peek into Toy Fair 2013. With photographs by Toygodd spanning 20 of the major booths at the event, this issue brings you in where the general public usually can't go. Click here to go to iTunes to the Compulsion page- the Toy Fair Issue should be a free download for you on your iPad. Each manufacturer's page also includes links to buy those toys on the internet.

If you dig what you see, you can opt to download Issue #1 for $1.99, or better yet, subscribe so you get the chance to download Issue #2 when we roll it out. Our next issue will incorporate discount codes and promotions exclusively for subscribers, the value of which will far exceed the cover price!

We hope you enjoy reading COMPULSION MAGAZINE!
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book