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Court of the Dead

Mar 2, 2013

Dynamite Rex "Raar!" Design Contest by Clutter Magazine

Clutter Magazine is extremely excited to announce that we've partnered with Dynamite Rex to hold a design contest revolving around their brand new and highly anticipated "Raar!" platform, which portrays an adorable t-rex dinosaur!

Using the blank turnaround template (which you can download here), design a Dynamite Rex "Raar!" vinyl figure. Be as creative as you want, but the winner must be able to replicate their design as a custom painted vinyl figure. We will select a winning design based on its originality and creative use of the platform's shape.

One (or more) winners will be selected by a panel of judges, including the Clutter and Dynamite Rex staffs. Winners will be sent a free blank 6-inch tall "Raar!" vinyl figure to customize using your winning design. This piece will then be mailed by the artist to The Clutter Gallery for inclusion in their custom Dynamite Rex “Raar!” show opening on August 10th.

Closing date for design entries is June 1st, 2013. A winner will be selected within two weeks of closing date and be mailed the blank "Raar!" figure.

Follow the link below for more details:

Dynamite Rex "Raar!" Design Contest | Designer Vinyl Toys & Art Culture | Clutter Magazine
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book