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Court of the Dead

Dec 6, 2012

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Mostly Harmless Vinyl Customs - Undead Androids & more!

Mostly Harmless has been featured here before for their amazing vinyl customs, but work this great deserves another shout out, and there is no shortage of new product being made available in the Don't Panic Store.

First you may notice the prevalent undead theme (I'm not complaining), like with these adorable face munching Androids, which are made to order.

Then you'll see there are a number of other platforms and styles represented, from the obligate Dunnys and Munnys to BUDS, even some Unicornos. For the serious collector, there's this undead 10" MadL for a cool $150. Not a bad deal at all, in fact all of the prices are quite reasonable for such face-melting works of art.

Keep watch on Mostly Harmless on Facebook or DeviantArt and snag something nice for your own shelf this holiday season. You deserve it!

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


  1. Oh wow, these are absolutely fabulous.

    I saw them and just had to laugh when I imagined the look on my mother's face if I bought one. After all, I've just got back from a month in Spain with my parents (I'm a fully functioning adult that lives 9,000 miles away from my parents 11 months of the year), where every time I found another cool toy to buy my mother made exasperated noises.

    To her, toys are nothing more than "a waste of money", especially when a grown woman (me!) is buying them.

    I may just have to buy one of these out of spite :)


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book