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Court of the Dead

Dec 4, 2012

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Tokidoki Unicorno Blind Box Mini Series Two!

Tokidoki recently released a new Unicorno mini series. It is equally delightful and as fun to look at as the first Unicorno series. Tokidoki never fails to please with their adorable and original designs. There are a lot of muted tones in this series which contradicts a bit with the rest of Tokidoki's work. But even though some pieces don't have a lot of colour they nonetheless pop and the series still shines. These pleasant creatures stand at two inches tall and are available for eight dollars in the Tokidoki shop. I'm dying to get my hands on the super cute Day of the Dead looking unicorn. After all a Tokidoki toy can brighten up anyone's collection, let alone day. 
-Ashley Gallagher

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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