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Court of the Dead

Dec 3, 2012

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POST-IT SHOW 8 is going to be opening at the Giant Robot Gallery in Los Angeles December 8. Running until December 16th, this one week show is going to have over 2000 Post-Its featuring over 260 artists. Each piece is going to sell for only $25 cash and carry, on a first come, first serve basis. I imagine that this means you take home whatever you purchase. It is also likely, that a patron will only be allowed a max of 1 Post-It per artist, to allow sharing, with no limit on the number of Post-Its purchased. This will allow more people to enjoy all the artists work. A few teasers are posted below.
Colorful Post-Its by Audrey Kawasaki
Post-It by Kano
Sculpted Ghost Girl on Post-It by  J-Ryu

As the show approaches closer, teasers are sure to continue to be shown throughout the week. Be sure to head on over to the Giant Robot Gallery early on December 8th, if you want a better chance at picking up a Post-It by one or more of your favorite artists.

- Mark-Anthony
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book