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Court of the Dead

Dec 7, 2012

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Apocalypse Calaverita by The Beast Brothers

The Beast Brothers recently released the "Apocalypse Calaverita" for purchase. This limited edition 6" fiberglass Calaverita is hand painted, signed and numbered by the artists. The bright colors pop against the darker color of the Calaverita, making it a great addition to any collection. I expect to see more limited edition Calaveritas in the future, of all sorts of designs and colors. That is unless, the apocalypse actually does take place.

From the Beast Brothers Apocalypse Calaverita product page:

 There are many legends about the apocalypse skulls but no one knows for sure their origin. The secret Knights of Quetzalcoatl were the guardians of the skulls, but once the conquistadores came they where hidden in a secret chamber and forgotten.

This ancient artifacts' sole function is to balance and contain within the forces that could bring the apocalypse upon this world. The Mayans, being the Aztecs enemies, tried to burry the knowledge of this powerful skulls, making the World think that the end was imminent. But there is still hope that once these skulls are scattered all over the world the balance will return, avoiding the end of our civilization.
Each 6" fiber glass skull is hand painted, signed and numbered by the artists.

Available for purchase now on the Beast Brothers store for $150 plus shipping and limited to only 21 pieces. While you are at it, why not pick up the Black Calaverita as well.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book