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Court of the Dead

Nov 30, 2012

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Two Figures of the Sucklord Available on The Suckstore!

Keeping the collab theme going, following the Super Suck-up at DCON, the Sucklord released two figures of himself on The Super Suckstore early today! The first figure is a sofubi figure that has been hand painted by the Sucklord himself. The figure is a finger puppet that is a part of a set of five being produced by Fig Lab. I'm actually surprised that the Sucklord didn't make a resin copy of this figure to sell, instead of the Sofubi Japanese vinyl. It's a cool little figure that is priced at $60 plus shipping, limited to 20 pieces.

Price: $60
Quantity Made: 20
Description: The first official Suckadelic "SOFUBI" figure! Sculpted by  Paul Kaiju and produced in Japan by Fig-Lab for the FINGER-FIVE, an exclusive set of finger Puppets by the "Top" Artists in the Game. Hand painted by the Actual Sucklord. 2.5" tall. Comes loose, 20 piece edition.

The second piece is another mini figure of the Sucklord, made by All Eyes and Ears. Complete with cloth cape, boombox and "Lazersword", this Chrome helmeted 2" figure represents the Sucklord persona well. The figure is priced at $75 plus shipping and is limited to 25 pieces. The quality looks superb and I look forward to more releases from All Eyes and Ears.

Price: $75
Quantity Made: 25
Description: An exciting Colabo with upcoming Irish Toy-Maker ALL EYES AND EARS This little fellow is only 2" tall and features a sweet actual Chrome Helmet, Boombox, Cloth cape, and Lazersword. Packaged in a cool Black-and-Silver 5"x 4" removable card, this shit is of a clean quality the Sucklord could never achieve. 25 piece Edition.

- Mark-Anthony
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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