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Court of the Dead

Nov 26, 2012

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The Windy City Crawler by DeeTen

The second custom that we are posting from DeeTen, this guy is doing some amazing stuff. Look at this great Tequila custom.

The Windy City Crawler Model Toy 1:10000, circa 1886
During the Expedition of 1886 into the parallel world our travelers were taken to Calico City, to the locals it was known as the Windy City. When they first saw this great city, several of our explorers humorously fainted at the sight of its massive monolith like machine attached it. It was not active when our people visited the city but its size could not be understated. The Windy City Crawler, a machine more massive than the city it drags across the desert with chains from its arms. Calico City was built in the center of a naturally high wind, desert environment with little to no resources. After experiencing its first sandstorm resulting in high damage, the city was relocated, yet the sandstorm later followed. Since the storms were unpredictable the city adapted by constructing onto low friction foundation platforms, which were then linked together. Now that the city was able to slide across desert terrain, the Windy City Crawler was constructed to move the city out of the windstorms path. The natives explained how the crawler was commissioned from the great floating city of New Alexandria half a century earlier. This particular toy model was a gift from the city’s leaders and is in a scale of 1:10000. Calico City is listed as one of the 13 Great Cities.

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