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Court of the Dead

Nov 26, 2012

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Fiend Club Subscription by Josh "FPlus" Pearce

Josh Pearce, FPlus, recently announced in his newsletter that collectors can basically pre-order the next 6 releases of his Fiend series. It's called the "Fiend Club" subscription!

Excerpt from FPlus' blog/newsletter:

What started out as a sidekick to my corrupter character, has now become a sought after little monster. With all the amazing response to these guys, I’ve got plans to do a few more, and I’ve had several folks ask me if I’d set up a subscription for them. I instantly liked the idea, because I hate the idea of folks missing out on a fiend in the set due to limited quantities (all previous editions sold out pretty dang quick!)
So, I decided to make a subscription for folks to reserve the next six fiend releases, which are as follows:
Phantasmal (GID) Fiend
Gojira Fiend
Winter Fiend
Candelabran Fiend
Fire Fiend
Ice Fiend

Each one is variant sculpt, so they’re more than just colorways, each one is a different cast from a different mold.
But, what would a club be without some exclusive club member perks right? You’ll also get a custom, one of a kind fiend, you pick the fiend body type and colors, and I’ll send you a one of a kind colorway of your very own, with a handpainted watercolor sketch of your custom fiend in all his glory as well! 

Having personally supported the original Kickstarter that helped fund the creation of FPlus' Corrupter and Fiend set, I think the little fiend is a really cool figure. With his previous releases, Autumn and Gloom, selling out quick, the Fiend Club is a perfect solution to guarantee having every variation of the little guy.

If you can't swing the $350 price tag for the Fiend Club Subscription, which includes shipping, Josh has also made it a little easier on people by allowing them to pay per Fiend:

If you’d like to make arrangements for a pay-per fiend subscription, you can do that as well, by sending me an email to:
Josh (at) to make arrangements. 

The Phantasmal (GID) and Gorija fiends are individually priced at $45 plus shipping, if you're not the subscription type. The Fiend Club subscription and the individual Phantasmal (GID) Fiend and Gorija Fiend are all available now, but going quick here. Whether you pick up the subscription or just a single fiend, I'm sure that you will not be disappointed.

Make sure you follow Josh "FPlus" here:
Fplus Store

- Mark-Anthony
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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