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Court of the Dead

Nov 29, 2012

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The Wolf Rider Print by Huck Gee

Master customizer and artist Huck Gee released his latest print, titled "The Wolf Rider". An awesome large print, with great lighter coloer and imagery. With the rider looking back towards the viewer, the piece evokes a type of "are you ready?" feel, speaking for myself of course. This piece will look awesome with a small border dark frame.

"Beneath the masks lie expert warriors, handpicked and rigorously tested by General Shirokuri himself. The wolves they ride are massive, fearsome, wintery beasts with minds as sharp as their claws and teeth. The bond is a lifelong commitment, paired when the wolf is still a suckling pup. They spend the rest of their days together. Eating, training, sleeping, the two become one. There is no distinction between beast and rider once joined in battle, communicating through a complex system of touches, motions and whispers, allowing them to be as effective in the roar of a battlefield as when prowling an enemy on padded paws in a hushed forest." - Chapters of the North, Volume III - Mahotsukai Hoohige

Each is printed on fine art watercolor paper (225gs), 20″x9″ (22″x11″), signed, numbered and gold embossed. Limited edition run of 100 prints,

The Limited edition print is priced at $65 plus shipping, and for you lucky Californians, add tax as well. Something to consider, if you are going to pull the trigger on this print, is to save on shipping by purchasing more prints and/or swag. One of Huck Gee's older prints is actually still up, Sgt. Hicks "R&R" Print, also priced at $65, as well as some $30 Chardmonster prints.

Only time will tell if a version of the Wolf Rider will be Huck's next limited custom. I can't wait to find out.

Follow Huck Gee:
 - Mark-Anthony
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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