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Court of the Dead

Nov 27, 2012

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Apocalypse Dunny Case photo Contest by Toykick

Want to win a free case of Apocalypse Dunnys? Who doesn't like a good photo contest? Toykick is giving away a sealed Apocalypse Dunny case to one lucky winner of their Photo contest. One very important catch is that you need to have one of their KickCase products, found here. I personally don't own a case, but I do know many artists love and support the products. If you don't already own a KickCase, you still have time to get your order in and take some photos.

Here is the info from Toykick:

Take a picture of your collection inside a KickCase (any design) and post it to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. This is not a random drawing like our other contests, it is an actual competition! The best Photo Wins!!!

How do I enter my picture?

1. Take a sweet looking picture of your collection in a KickCase (any design)

Steps 2-5 are all optional but at least one is required. The more you do helps your chances.

2. Tweet the picture and use: @toykickstore and #ToyKick within the tweet so we definitely see it.

3. Post the picture to our facebook wall here:

4. Instagram the picture and use #ToyKick and @Toykick

5. Put that picture on Pinterest and Link it to!

What factors will be considered when judging my photo?

We will judge photos on all around awesomeness. To name a few things, we'll be looking at the way your case ties in with the room, the sweet looking contents within the case, wall placement and symmetry.  But probably the BIGGEST factor is that we want to see other people commenting on your picture and saying how awesome it is. Fan favorites will be noted :)

When will the Winner be announced?

Winner will be announced on 12/26/12 via a Google+ Hangout.  Link to the Hangout will be posted here the day of the announcement. The winner MUST BE WATCHING the drawing as we will announce a password that they must provide when redeeming their prize. If you miss the hangout, a recording will be posted here.

What is not mentioned, is an end date for submitting your photo but the winner will be announced on December 26, 2012. So, break out your collection, load up some KickCases and make the photos stand out. Don't forget to use Tweet, post, instagram and Pin your photo with the correct hashtag (#ToyKick).
For more info about the contest or to pick up a KickCase so you can enter, head on over to ToyKick. I'm excited to see peoples collections and how they integrate the KickCase display cases in a home decor. Good Luck to all who enter!

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- Mark-Anthony
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


  1. Thanks for the Blog Post guys! We're adding info on the last day to submit now. It's going to be 12/24 ! :)


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book