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Court of the Dead

Nov 27, 2012

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Shoakuma Dunny Series by Artmymind

The dynamic duo who make up Artmymind, Guillaume and Julia Lachambre, have just released their newsletter which contains amazing news for any collector wanting to own one of their fantastic custom pieces, or even expand his/her collection. The "Shoakuma Dunny series" is going to be an open edition of two separate colors. With amazing detail and colors, this Dunny series release is just amazing.
The following info is taken from Artmymind's Newsletter, which you should subscribe to, if you don't already:

Shoakuma Dunny series

They are finally here! Artmymind's new Dunny series is ready to be unleashed over the world and trust us when we say that these little demons shouldn't be taken too lightly. Do not be fooled by their cuteness, because they bite pretty bad.

"Born from the twisted energy of the underworld, the Shoakuma is easily the most underestimated creature that can be met among the thousand fangs minions. Small in size, this little demon overcompensate his lack of strength by a voracious appetite and the habit to hang around by hundred of thousand of his siblings."

When we created Artmymind, we promise ourselves that we would always do our best to make our art available to the most and not only focus on very limited or exclusive releases. The Shoakuma series is our effort to make this happen and we hope that you will all enjoy what we came up with.

Available in two open run editions and a third mystery one limited to only 10 pieces that will be revealed before the release via our social sites. They will all be available on November 27Th at 11pm GMT for $79 and $89 +s/h in our online Store and we will keep the run open for exactly a week after the release. Please allow 2 to 3 weeks before shipping for each figure to be numbered and the artist's cards produced.

A note to everyone waiting for a piece from us. Customs are particularly busy at this time of the year so if you still didn't receive your parcel, please be patient as it is being processed at the moment. Thank you for your patience and support that allow us to continue to create more of these bad boys.


Julia & Guillaume

With most Artmymind releases, the limited number editions tend to sellout within seconds of going live. This open edition release will give collectors from 11PM GMT November 27th to 11PM GMT December 4th to snag one or more of these pieces. At $79 plus shipping, I think this is a good deal for one of Artmyminds exquisite customs. As with previous open editions, I'm sure Guillaume and Julia will have a lot of work ahead of them to fill all the orders that is sure to go their way. Also, a 3rd colorway has yet to be revealed, so make sure to follow Artmymind in all social media formats to get a glimpse of it.

Follow Artmymind here:

- Mark-Anthony
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book