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Court of the Dead

Jun 1, 2011

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The Assassin custom robot by Matt Anderson

Congratulations to my friend Matt Anderson for his win in Kidrobot's Munnyworld Mega Contest! Matt won in the "Best Use of Electronics" category for his "Mad Scientist" custom Foomi (which he bought from us, by the way). Squink, one of the judges for this contest and a fellow toy customizer, commented: "This custom stood out straight away, the steampunk vibe, that goggle based glow. Just a gorgeous, really clean piece of work, a deserving winner!" 
Matt continues to progress in his style with the above custom which he called "The Assassin." This custom is based (loosely) on a 7-inch Munny and a 4-inch Foomi, plus lots of other parts and pieces. The piece will be shown at the Urban Decay II show in Virginia in June.  
We are happy to continue supporting Matt, and lots of other toy customizers, as they work to perfect their craft!

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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book