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Court of the Dead

May 30, 2011

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Arts Unknown: New pieces by Frank Kozik, Gary Baseman & Doktor A

Doktor A Bella Delamere: The Casino Affair colorway
The first releases from newcomer Arts Unknown are looking strong, with pieces by Doktor A, Gary Baseman and Frank Kozik. Each piece is vinyl and around 8 inches tall, with a run size of 350 pieces. Each figure you see pictured will also have a randomly inserted chase colorway. No word on how rare those are, or indeed actual pics of the chases, but they'll be in there somewhere for a few lucky people.
Frank Kozik's William, Henry and Reginald set in the Natural colorway
 All 3 figures are slated to be released in Q3 of 2011 (July, Aug or September). Frank Kozik's 3-piece set will be priced at $109.99, and the Baseman and Dok A pieces will be $99.99 each. William, the Rhino in Frank Kozik's set, will have a switch-out cigarette to as an additional accessory (which you can switch out for the pipe).
Gary Baseman's Slugilicious figure in the Green colorway
More info on preordering will be updated in this post later. Feel free to email us if you want to get on our list- no money needs to change hands at this time but your figure can be reserved for you if you wish.
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book