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Court of the Dead

Jun 3, 2011

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Toy2R 2.5" Forest Whispers Qee Bear set

“It’s spring fever, you don’t know quite what it is you want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so.”
-  Mark Twain
The message of Spring is carried on the wind. That wind allows the trees to speak and spread the word that a new day approaches. If you listen …carefully, you will hear the whispers, the soft faint whispers of the forest announcing the arrival of Spring.

Toy2R proudly announces the release of the new limited edition 2.5 Inch Forest Whispers Qee Bear Set in honor of Spring. As part of the ongoing 10th Anniversary Celebration of Qee, this two pack reminds us of the beauty that is nature during the day and night. Limited to only 500 sets worldwide, collect yours then sit back and listen to the Forest Whispers…it brings hope and renewal.

Retail price on this 2-piece boxed set is $25, email us if you're interested as we plan on ordering some of these.
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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