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Court of the Dead

May 29, 2011

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SNEAK PEEK: Mini Kaiju Cupcake teaser #5

NREAZON custom Mini Kaiju Cupcake
When Jon Malmstedt first came to me with his Mini Kaiju Cupcake custom series idea, the first artist that popped into my head was NREAZON. NREAZON already has a pretty big roster of food characters- her logo is a skull ice cream cone! 
As it turns out, NREAZON took the cupcakes we sent her and sculpted the crap out of them. Each of her cupcake pieces is completely different. Above is one of her customs, veiled with my secret blend of Photoshopped cartoonification. OK, OK, it's not really obscured all that much, considering it's supposed to be "teaser"... but there are 4 other NREAZON pieces that look totally different, so it's really not revealing much!

Stay tuned to this blog next week when we'll reveal the ratio info and more clear images of NREAZON's custom Cupcakes, as well as the other 4 artists' work.
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