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Court of the Dead

May 30, 2011

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Video Volley: Electronics All-Stars

Matt Anderson customizes toys using electronics and heavy sculpting work. As he progresses, his pieces are diverging more sharply from the platforms they are based on. You can find some of Matt's custom Mini Qees here in our shop. Matt has a website and he's on Facebook.

Evilos shares with us the light-up technology he's employing in his current Tron Legacy-themed customs. This is an Android figure, designed by Andrew Bell for Google. We're going to have him working on a few more pieces, exclusively for our shop. Go check Evilos on his website and Facebook.

And of course, when discussing electronics, the survey would not be complete without mentioning TaskOne, the godfather of creative electronics usage in custom toys. Above video is of Task's piece for the "They Came from the Streets" show and it does not have any electronics, but the sculpting is incredible. Go check out TaskOne's website, Facebook and YouTube for more.
TaskOne 10-inch MadL x Lite Brite piece from 2010
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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BB-8 Star Wars Premium Format(TM) Figure
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book