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Court of the Dead

May 18, 2017

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Kasey (One-Eyed Girl) releases new pieces for Five Points Festival Booth #223

Kasey (One-Eyed Girl) has a bunch of new pieces releasing this weekend at the Five Points Festival.

The first new release are her Hatchies!  Each baby dragon is a Custom Lunartik Cup of Tea and there will be five to choose from: Water Dragon, Lizard Dragon, Furry Dragon, Alien Dragon and Flying Dragon - at $90 a piece.

She'll also have a new batch of yummy Kritters and Kronies available, Cuppy Cako, Neapo Litan and Chip Chocko. She'll also have a few more of these little guys featuring little popsicle, candy apple and macaroon friends going for $50 - $100 a piece.

Along with these little guys she'll have tons of other original sculpts, custom toys, resins and 3D paintings all available at Booth #223!

Check out her website and follow her on instagram and facebook.

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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book