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Court of the Dead

May 15, 2017

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Angry Toy Reviews #4: 3A Jungle Swinger Lizbeth 1:6-Scale Figure

We have a great post for you today: Angry Artist reviews the 1:6-scale 3A Jungle Swinger Lizbeth figure from the World of Isobelle Pascha line of female sixth scales designed by Ashley Wood.

Most notably in this review is that our Angry Artist is not, in fact angry at all - he fucking loves this figure!

The best part about this video is how awkward he gets when he tries to tear this figure apart, but he is actually really loving it. Watch below:

Normally here I'd remind you to leave a comment under this video on YouTube for a chance to win this figure... but I knew Angry Artist would want to keep this one for himself. So... you get nothing. Feel free to roast him in the comments for being a selfish prick.

Go buy something else here:

For those of you who are angry about not getting free shit, you can click here to buy stuff that's on sale. We have Funko Pops for under 3 fucking dollars, so honestly, you shouldn't be complaining. You have enough coins under the cushions of your couch. Mail them to us.

Giveaways will resume with Video #5.

Our IG and Twitter are: @tenacioustoys so give us a follow.

Definitely follow Angry Artist here:
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Angry Artist Shop:
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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book