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Court of the Dead

May 1, 2012

Shinbone Creative turns your 2D art into 3D toys

"Instagram Mascot" designed by JC Rivera
 Designers who want to make a little something and don't know where to start should check out Shinbone at

Do you have a loose napkin sketch? A rough clay sculpture? A 3d speed model bashed together in ZBrush? Shinbone is reaching out to artists and designers to help get new projects off the ground. If you're a hard-core customizer and you're ready to take the next step, these are the guys who can get you rolling.

What does Shinbone do? They design and produce toys for toy companies. They license designs from artists and produce original art. They manufacture runs of toys for independent designers.

What does Shinbone do? Shinbone turns great art into great toys.
"Moonman" designed by Scott Wetterschneider

"Sad Uke Dog" designed by Matheus Muniz

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