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Court of the Dead

Apr 30, 2012

New customs by Dave Webb: Minion, Batman, Robin, Pinhead and more

Recently artist Dave "Davemarkart" Webb transitioned from creating tentacled, toothy monsters to doing TV/movie characters. This one is Minion from the movie "Despicable Me". Above is a WIP shot of a piece by Dave which is, frankly, from several weeks ago. Still, as I play catch-up after our custom show, I wanted to post about the stuff that my artists friends have been working on. A while back Dave bought a truckload of Androids from us and this is the type of piece he has been working on lately. Cool stuff! Check out his Facebook page for images of a Batman and Robin set, Pinhead, and some sick, toothy Munkos.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book