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Court of the Dead

May 2, 2012

NUGGlife Candy Shop by Ian Ziobrowski for the Candy-Coated Custom Show

 When you invite Ian Ziobrowski to be in a custom toy show, you know he's not ever going to go the easy route with a simple paint job. Ian spends hours and days chopping up and reconfiguring toys, creating miniatures and painting pieces so tiny, I can't believe he's not blind already.

Ian follows up on his epic Nuggy Growstation 10" MadL custom with this 9" Artoyz Elements figure he's turned into Mama Nugg's Nugglife Candy Shop. With working lights, minute detailing and a removable back wall, this piece shows off Ian's vast array of artistic skills. Here's the backstory:

Welcome to the Nugglife candy shop, the home for best sweets in town. It's location remains confidential, but if you ask the right person, you just might be able to enjoy it yourself. With a fine selection of spaced out sweets, getting home might be the most difficult part. Standing about 9 inches tall this Element custom was created for the Candy Coated Show in NYC.
 The Nugglife Candy Shop is available for purchase here. Needless to say, this piece is one-of-a-kind. If you're interested, don't sleep. Ian has many serious collectors and this one won't be available for long.

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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book