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Court of the Dead

May 30, 2017

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Death is Punk - new release from Marcos Lorenzo

Marcos Lorenzo has just released his  Obskure DEATH IS PUNK Limited Edition, a new version based on the Obskure platform but this time with no flesh, and that means no tattoos. 
It’s a limited series of 25 units, homemade handcrafted casted resin toys, 1/10 170mm 6.7 inches high, painted with acrylics,  zipper and various attached rivets (plastic / metal) studs and spikes, and the diabolic-anarkist-whatever logo printed on her leather jacket. Skull and ribs are 3D printed, so ribs are hollowed. 

The purpose of this work was to create a strong contrast between the sexy shape visible from behind and the vacuous eyes of TheDeath when looking her face to face. She may look attractive and mysterious and maybe she wants to play with you a little ... It's exciting and you'll probably like it ... until she bites your heart..  deeply.

This sculpture was presented like the recent releases the past Sunday 30th April during the ToyCon UK and now it’s world wide released and available from now at the SomeStrangeThings Store at the price of 100€.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book