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Court of the Dead

Jun 2, 2017

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Teddy Troops by Flying Fortress are BACK, thanks to Artoyz

Just got word from Artoyz that they have brought the super popular Teddy Troops back to life! Teddy Troops 2.0 series is a set of ten 3-inch-tall figures. These figures will arrive later this month in the Artoyz shop.

Artoyz writes:
We have collaborated with Flying Fortress, father of the Teddy Troops, to bring them back to life, but we have done more than that! We have improved and slightly modified the shape of the Teddy Troops to make it 2.0. Yes we did it! 

Pictured is the C pack that includes the classic versions limited to 320 pieces and the variant versions limited to 160 pieces of the Basic Trooper, Skunk Trooper, Spray Trooper, Ladri di Biciclette and Flying Fortress Trooper. This pack contains the whole series 01!

(Note: This is apparently the first wave (series 01) of Teddy Troops 2.0. That's confusing but just roll with it, K?)

The Basic Trooper comes with two lightning bolts referring to Flying Fortress logo, the Skunk Trooper comes with a removable gas mask and the Flying Fortress Trooper comes with two wings and a removable B36 window.

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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book