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Court of the Dead

Jun 3, 2017

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First 4 Figures Presents: The Making of Sonic the Hedgehog - 25th Anniversary Documentary Video

This video is over an hour long. I will buy you a beer if you watch the whole thing. Cool diorama figure tho...

... seriously though, here's all the info from F4F:

Welcome to our third product launch for our Sonic the Hedgehog Diorama line, Sonic The Hedgehog - 25th Anniversary.

Arriving next week will be our latest First 4 Figures' line of Sonic The Hedgehog Diorama with Sonic The Hedgehog - 25th Anniversary! Pre-orders will be opening on Tuesday June 6th, so keep the date free. 

This is the third statue in First 4 Figures' Sonic the Hedgehog Diorama line. Come along and join us on that day as we LIVE BROADCAST the event leading upto the Preorder Launch!!!

Make sure to subscribe to Facebook to be notified of this epic event!
There will be tons of activities throughout the event such as Live Q&A and something special known as DAY ONE Edition! This is a treasure you do not want to miss out on!

6th June - 7am (California), 10am (New York),
6th June - 3pm (London), 4pm (Germany), 10pm (Hong Kong)

and the
PREORDER LAUNCH starts 1 Hour later at 11pm (Hong Kong)

Did you know we have an official F4F community hangout spot? Join us on Facebook in the F4F Official Collector's Club for daily chats with our friendly F4F staff plus meet and greet with fellow F4F collectors!

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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BB-8 Star Wars Premium Format(TM) Figure
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book